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SECTRON flood portal subscription for 1 month/device

SECTRON flood portal subscription for 1 month/device

Product code: APP-SC-PP

SECTRON flood portal subscription for 1 month/device

SECTRON flood portal subscription for 1 month/device
Product code: APP-SC-PP

SECTRON flood portal subscription for 1 month/device

SECTRON flood Portal displays a graphical visualization of river levels in a simple and clear design. The flood portal allows monitoring of multiple sensors, which you can add to the map and set the parameters of.

6.00excl. VAT

incl. VAT 7.26 €

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Detailed description

SECTRON flood portal - subscription for 1 month/device

Do you need to monitor the state of rivers in your area?

SECTRON Flood Portal displays a graphical visualization of river levels in a simple and clear design. The flood portal allows monitoring of multiple sensors, which you can add to the map and set the parameters of. Each sensor can be named and assigned a warning and critical level, according to which the river turns into the corresponding color. Yellow for warning level and red for the critical one.

You can quickly and efficiently monitor the state of all rivers in the area and decide on the solution of the situation according to the measured values.

SECTRON.cloud rule chain can be attached to these values and thus take advantage of all the features of this service. This means, for example, that in the event of a level change to a defined critical state, the cloud service, in combination with the SECTRON SMS GATEWAY product, sends an SMS message with information about this change to all defined contacts. Alternatively, the rule chain can be edited to send an e-mail or switch on the connected devices such as alarms.

For the whole system to work properly, you need to purchase the sensors + SECTRON Cloud + IoT converter + SECTRON SMS GATEWAY + Flood Portal .

There is a graph for the level overview, which uses a simple curve to display both the level and the time it was recorded in. You can even select time for which you want to see the current values of all rivers on the map.

It is also possible to export the states of rivers for the given measured section in .csv format, and then draw a graph for each river in Excel using the data.

The data in the image are for illustration only.

6.00excl. VAT

incl. VAT 7.26 €

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