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Product code: AO-AKOM-36TG-BM

Antenna TETRA/GPS Screw Mount PUCK, RG58/5m, RG174/5m, BNC(m)/SMB(m)

Antenna TETRA/GPS Screw Mount PUCK, RG58/5m, RG174/5m, BNC(m)/SMB(m)
Product code: AO-AKOM-36TG-BM

Antenna TETRA/GPS Screw Mount PUCK, RG58/5m, RG174/5m, BNC(m)/SMB(m)

Omnidirectional mounting antenna is suitable as a receiver of signal in GPS/TETRA. The antenna operates in bands 1575.42/400 MHz.

17.90excl. VAT

incl. VAT 21.66 €

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Detailed description

Omnidirectional mounting TETRA/GPS antenna 

Omnidirectional mounting antenna is suitable as a receiver of signal in GPS/TETRA. The antenna operates in bands 1575.42/400 MHz. In combination with integrated amplifier, this active antenna achieves a gain of up to 30 dBi in a GPS band. It is suitable for use in cars and other means of transport. Here it is used for navigation and tracking systems, electronic books and other devices. Two coaxial cables are attached the antenna: RG58, which is terminated with a BNC (m) connector and RG174 cable, which is terminated with an SMB (m) connector. Each cable is 5 m long.

Connector specifications BNC: 

Vysokofrekvenční koaxiální konektory BNC se vyrábějí s impedancí 50 nebo 75 Ohm. Jsou určeny pro použití s různými typy koaxiálních kabelů např. typů RG-58, RG-59, až RG-179, RG-316. Pracovní frekvenční rozsah je do 4 GHz a pracovní teplota - 40 °C až + 155 °C. Montáž konektoru je rychlá a jednoduchá, díky zacvakávacímu bajonetu je spoj pevný. Garance připojení a odpojení konektorů je až 500 cyklů. Tyto konektory jsou nejčastěji využívány v rádiových telekomunikacích, v televizní technice, zkušebních přístrojích.

Connector specifications SMB: 

SMB coaxial connectors are characterized by high reliability and mechanical stability. Snap-on mechanism provides fast and reliable connection. The characteristic impedance of the connector is 50 Ohm and the working frequency ranges up to 4 GHz. They are used, for example, to connect wireless WLAN devices, test devices and GSM / GPS / Wi-Fi antennas.

Cable specifications RG174/U:

The cable labeled RG174 / U is a basic variant of a coaxial cable that is compatible with connectors applicable to a cable diameter of 2.8 mm. The characteristic impedance of the cable is 50 Ω. The reduction factor is fixed at 0.66. The most common cables of this type have a temperature range of -20 to 80 °C.
It is most often used for creating cable adaptors with connectors such as BNC / FAKRA / FME / MCX / MMCX / N / SMA / SMB / SMP / TNC and others. It is ideal for short and bending stressed connections in measuring and telecommunications technology, for GPS / GSM / WLAN antennas, antenna leads etc. There are also specially modified types of RG174/U cables for outdoor use, which are UV resistant, as well as for use in extreme conditions. There are made of different materials, different qualities.

Cable specifications RG58/U:

The RG58 coaxial cable is compatible with connectors applicable to a 5 mm cable diameter. It is mainly used for the 0-1 GHz frequency range, it can also be used for higher frequencies, but at the cost of higher attenuation. The characteristic impedance of the cable is 50 Ω. The reduction factor is fixed at 0.66. The most common cables of this type have a temperature range of -20 to 75 ° C. This cable is suitable for external WiFi / GPS / GSM antennas. It is also often used for creating cable adaptors with connectors such as BNC / FAKRA / FME / N / SMA / TNC and others. There are also specially modified types of RG58 cables for outdoor use, which are UV resistant, as well as for use in extreme conditions. There are made of different materials, different qualities.

Technical parameters can be found in the attached datasheet.


Impedance 50
kabel RG58/U , RG174/U
Typ konektoru BNC(m) , SMB(m)
Maximální vstupní výkon  i 10  W max.
Napájecí napětí 3-5.5 V DC
Polarizace Lineární
Provedení Externí
Provozní teplota -30 °C - +80
Rozměry 54.7 x 146.3
Směrovost Všesměrová
Technologie GPS , TETRA
Váha 318.31  g
VSWR <2.0:1
Vyzařovací úhel H 360° V 30°
Zisk 0  dBi , 30  dBi
Způsob uchycení Montážní

17.90excl. VAT

incl. VAT 21.66 €

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